PTC Total Accredit


GETEX(gulf education Exhembition) membership,ICDE (International Council for Open and distance Education),globla water partneship , International Organization for Standardization (ISO: 9001:2015-22990-14001-OHSAS18001)...
All educational activities of professional training center are based on educational standards. Consequently, all issued certificates are privileged and approved at governmental sectors.
In order to create a common language with industry and to promise standard training services, the center is granted necessary international training and management standards. Some of these credits and standards are:
• Short-term course license issued by the office of non-degree training, Ministry of Science.
• Professional course license for state employees from all governmental sectors issued by Vice-Presidency for Management and Human Capital Development.
• Advanced skills course (ASD) license issued by Technical and Vocational Organization.
• Exchange course license issued by the Securities and Exchange.
Center has received series of ISO standards in Quality Assurance(ISO9001), Occupational Health and Safety Management (ISO18001), Environmental Management(ISO14001) and on top of all, the standard of international workshop agreement of quality management of education and educational support(ISO 29990) and  integrated management system (IMS).
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sha​hid Beheshti University

Shahid Beheshti University is one of the best universities in Iran. Based on the latest ranking of universities in the world and based on the ranking system (Kakarry Simonds, QS), Shahid Beheshti University has been in the fifth grade for two consecutive years 2017 and 2018 after the Sharif universities, science and industry, Amirkabir and Tehran, respectively at the 701 + And the country and having 27 colleges and research institute is considered a comprehensive university while the professional training center has a wide scope of expertise focusing on power and water industry. Main activities of the center include all the trainings that are required in society according to the special education sectors of the university.

Some of the groups which the training center includes are:
•   Companies active in the power and water industry
•   Companies active in the oil, gas and petrochemical
•   Insurance companies, banks, municipalities
•   Some industries such as steel, cement, automotive
•   University graduates
•   Students
•   Faculty members and university staff
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International Organization for Standardization (ISO: 9001:2015-22990-14001-OHSAS18001)...

SO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.

The objective of this International Standard is to provide a generic model for quality professional practice and performance, and a common reference for learning service providers (LSPs) and their clients in the design, development and delivery of non-formal education, training and development. This International Standard uses the term “learning services” rather than “training” in order to encourage a focus on the learner and the results of the process, and to emphasize the full range of options available for delivering learning services.

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ICDE (International Council for Open and distance Education)

The International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) is the leading global membership organization for online, open and flexible education and draws its membership from institutions, educational authorities, commercial actors, and individuals.
  • Enables change to technology enhanced quality education across the globe.
  • Advocates for access, equity and quality learning through online, open and flexible learning.
  • A dynamic platform for cooperation on innovation and development, featuring key regional actors and leading experts.
  • Access to thousands of higher education institutions, networks and systems.
  • A key partner for UNESCO.
  • Part-funded by the Government of Norway.
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globla water partneship

 The Global Water Partnership (GWP) is a global action network with over 3,000 Partner organisations in 183 countries. The network has 86 Country Water Partnerships and 13 Regional Water Partnerships.
The network is open to all organisations involved in water resources management: developed and developing country government institutions, agencies of the United Nations, bi- and multi-lateral development banks, professional associations, research institutions, non-governmental organisations, and the private sector.
GWP's action network provides knowledge and builds capacity to improve water management at all levels: global, regional, national and local. GWP does not operate alone. Its networking approach provides a mechanism for coordinated action and adds value to the work of many other key development partners.
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GETEX(gulf education Exhembition) membership

The Gulf Education and Training Exhibition (GETEX) is the region’s oldest education led event, supported by the UAE Ministry of Education, KHDA and the Knowledge Fund. This is the place where the finest education institutes and professional training providers get the opportunity to interact with the next batch of aspiring students.
Every year, the exhibition attracts over 35,000 local and expatriate students who are at the threshold of college life and actively looking for higher education, professional development and training options. Previous editions have hosted over 370 leading educational and vocational establishments from 40 different countries.
Held alongside the exhibition, The GETEX Counsellors Forum offers panel discussions to facilitate an exchange of ideas, allowing education providers to make a strong case for their admission procedures, quality of academics and their faculties. The focus, as always, is on general education, residential schools,under and post-graduate education, as well as training and skills development for professionals.
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IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, formerly known as UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education is the largest international graduate water education facility in the world and is based in DelftNetherlands. The Institute confers fully accredited MSc degrees, and PhD degrees in collaboration with partners in the Netherlands. Since 1957 the Institute has provided graduate education to more than 15,000 water professionals from over 160 countries.
IHE Delft was formerly known as UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, which was created in 2003 from the previous IHE. This in turn was established from the International Course in Hydraulic Engineering (set up in 1957). This name changed to International Institute for Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering (IHE) in 1976.[1]
IHE Delft is instrumental in the strengthening of efforts by other universities and research centres in increasing knowledge and skills of professionals working in the water sector. The knowledge and services of IHE Delft in human and institutional capacity-building are vital to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals, especially SDG 6 (providing access to clean water and sanitation).
IHE Delft carries out three types of activities that complement and reinforce each other in the broad field of water engineering, water management, environment, sanitation, and governance. Its core activities are education, research, and capacity building, with additional functions including:
  • Offering education, training, and research;
  • Providing capacity development services, particularly for developing countries;
  • Setting up and managing international networks of educational and water sector institutions and organizations;
  • Serving as a policy forum for UNESCO Member States and other stakeholders;
  • Providing professional expertise and advice on water education; and
  • Playing a leadership role in international standard setting for postgraduate water education programmes and continuing professional education
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Atlas Knowledge are a leading provider of digital learning solutions for safety critical industries worldwide. Founded in 1995, we operate in 118 countries from our headquarters in Aberdeen and established offices in Houston, Abu Dhabi and Kuala Lumpur.
Atlas serves the learning and compliance needs of industry standards bodies, regulators and over 2,000 corporate customers. To date, our technologies have helped more than 450,000 learners to stay safe, develop skills and verify their competence.

ISO Accredit