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PTC was the first Iranian organization since 1969 based on energy (power electrical network, water & waste water, power plant, environment) industrial training centers fitted out with modern equipment and production facilities to train and retrain workers and professionals required for construction, renovation and maintenance of Power plant, electrical network, environment, water and waste water and energy industry. Short courses are a great way to pick up new skills for professional and personal development. In addition to courses that commence each term, our short course program has been designed to focus on providing vocational skills, aligned to the needs of employers and industry. This will help your company gain the skills you want now and create a pathway to consider further education and training options.
We develop expertise and drive "knowledge-building" through our comprehensive portfolio of learning programs blended with on-the-job learning, which are implemented in compliance with applicable industrial requirements.


Our training centers (six representative offices in the country) own all necessary equipment and leading-edge technologies to offer comprehensive training and development programs, including theoretical and practical learning (PTC ​lab & workshop​), in​side equipped dormitory and many facilties​. Our courses are developed from our experience in power and water industrial problem solving and are delivered by experts who understand the problems and the cost and time constraints faced by specialists working in energy industry field.


PTC  has a  license to provide educational services and IMS special standard certificate in international training quality management Issued (ISO:900​1:2015-29990-14001-OHSAS18001​), and our centers have capacity to provide training in many of professions. These centers can annually train up to 100,000 employees, company partners and other Iranian & international industri​al companies​.

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PTC was the first Iranian organization since 1970 based on energy  industrial training centers fitted out with modern equipment and production faciliti​es to train and retrain workers and profes​sionals required for construction, renovation and maintenance of Power plant , electrical network ,water and waste water and energy facilities ...(​More)​  

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Accordingly, major principal activities of PTC are designed in such a way that they cover all necessary requirements of professional training process. These activities start with need assessment and end in the effectiveness assessment. This unique process includes all Training  Planning desires of organizations and companies. Recruitment test design and its implementation completes this part of PTC’s ...(Mo​re)​
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Meanwhile, in order to take heed of industrial requirements, Professional Training Center has been developed over five decades of performing tailor-made training courses and study tours. According to official evaluation reports, PTC has been able to tackle formidable tasks of empowering human resources all over the industry community in an appropriate way...(More)​
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A unique collection of educational facilities and teaching aids on the main site of professional training center are assigned to short courses which is completely separated from the university student facilities. This provides a great learning environment while it creates constructive educational ambience...(Mor​e)​
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PTC Course Ca​talog is an eb​ook​​ with course list and descriptional course content. We offer specific  courses, webinar recordings and other great learning in this e-book. Certificates of Completion are available to help  credit requirements...(M​ore)​
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In 1969, Power Professional Training Center was established in order to provide professional training and empowering human resources, according to the requirements of the power industry and its increasing need of trained and skilled experts....(Mo​re)​
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PTC has a large training capacity utilizing academic ability of about 800 full-time faculty members of SBU, along with about 900 experienced visiting lecturers from industry. This unique combination of knowledge and experience is the main factor of success in delivering high volume professional training with outstanding quality...(More)​
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PTC  vast experience of providing high level tailor-made courses with co-operation of international counterp​arts such as UNESCOIHE, TOTALSHELL, ElfENIAGIPBANIASPEDEEEDOOSAN and the World Bank...(Mo​re)​
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At many PTC, you can also arrange to do the following:

Attend a class, Attend a club meeting or a sports practice session, Eat in the dining hall, Spend the night in a dorm...(​More)​

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ISO 29990 Certification – Learning Services Management Systems, has been developed in response to the need for a generic model for professional practice and quality performance of learning service providers. SGS provides comprehensive ISO29990 audits against the standard, certifying that every stage of your operation aligns with ISO learning service quality assurance requirements...(M​ore)​
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GETEX (Gulf Education Exhembition) membership, ICDE (International Council for Open and Distance Education), globla water partneship , International Organization for Standardization (ISO: 9001:2015-22990-14001-OHSAS18001)...(More​)​
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Professional Certificate of PTC

PTC is excited to announce the launch of its Professional Certificate for special courses. In addition, PTC  Professional Certificate for special course...(Mor​e)​

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Please note: Each participant is issued with a PTC Training certificate that will have a certificate number which you will be able to copy details from. PTC certificate numbers are made up of one sections, each 15 digits in length. When entering the certificate number, you will need to enter the 16-digit PTC certification number and 15-digit PTC certification number. ...(More)​
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Director office 
Tel: +98(21)73932770
FAX: +98(21)73932773
Executive officers 
Tel: +98(21)77311443-44
FAX: +98(21)77311445

Tehran,I.R of IRAN

P.O. Box

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PTC Concise:
our customers:
PTC is proud to have provided indutrial training to over 100,000 individuals from nearly 300 Iranian companies & 20 organizations across the globe.
Short courses:
PTC offers a variety of short courses for professional development.
Infrastructure and facilities:

PTC is  fully equipped with the latest state-of the training infrastructure. They have classrooms, conference halls with audio-visual aids, auditorium & recreational facilities together with trainee and executive hostels, guest houses and staff quarters.
Training activities:

PCT has several short-term and middle-term training programs to meet the urgent and long term needs and objectives of the water, power and environment sectors and allied industries. It has trained more than 140,000 power professionals in regular programs for over four decades.

Proffesional short Courses:​

Besides imparting training in the areas of power & water & oil environment professional of various levels annually
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