The website of Shahid Beheshti University (SBU) won the sixth rank among the universities of the Iranian Ministry of Science in the webometrics ranking system in January 2024.
Based on the latest ranking results of the websites of the country's universities in the global webometrics ranking system, SBU's website ranked 6th among the universities of the Iranian Ministry of Science and 10th among the universities of the country (including medical sciences).
Webometrics Ranking of World Universities is an initiative created by Cybermetrics Lab. Cybermetrics is actually a research group of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) and is known as the largest public research body in Spain. Launched in 2004, it aims to provide full coverage of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) regardless of the country or discipline they offer. It currently ranks 30,000 higher education institutions from over 200 countries. This year is the 20th year of its publication.
Webometrics is the largest university ranking of higher education institutions, which performs its evaluation twice a year, and is actually an independent, objective, free and open scientific exercise every six months to provide reliable, multi-dimensional, up-to-date and useful information about performance of the universities from all over the world.
The main purpose of Webometrics is to promote open access to knowledge produced by universities. The best strategy to improve your ranking is to increase the quantity and quality of web content. Among the goals of this ranking is to improve the quality of research in universities and higher education institutions, to encourage universities and higher education institutions to produce and publish their activities in the form of electronic content, and to improve public accessibility.