3rd NLP Talk Series webinar to be held by SBU NLP Lab
3 August

The Third NLP Talk Series webinar will be held by the Natural Language Processing Laboratory of the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering of SBU on Wednesday, August, 4, 2021 at 17.30 (GMT 4.30+) Tehran time. This webinar, which is titled “Scales in the Lexicon”, will be lectured by Christiane D. Fellbaum, co-developer and director of Princeton WordNet, and founder and president of the Global WordNet Association.

The summary of the webinar is as follows:
We discuss scalar predicates, focusing on emotion verbs. Such as like, love, and adore, and their representation in lexical resources. We compare partial orders and scales derived from corpora via lexical semantic-patterns (Horn 1972, Sheinman & Tokunaga 2009) as well as from human judgment in French and English. Finally, we examine the consistent alignment of scalar emotion expressions with emojis in internet communication.

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